The unique garm (as in garments) that we are developing at Darb Garb is all about invention for the impossible and crucial daily work of shapeshifting in a world that often refuses to see us and rarely deserves to. Darb Garb is in the process of inventing fresh approaches to the age-old problems of getting dressed. Expect to see what we come up with in 2022. In the meantime, we are open to collaborating with trans community members on developing designs for the unique shapewear you need.
What to do with chest tissue is a puzzle of physics and design like no other.
For many of us binders just don’t work and what’s worse they can cause all kinds of health problems. Darb Garb’s approach to binding is different. We believe in the possibility of a design that works with the body not against it to create a flattened profile without compromising health and comfort.
While this offering is still in development here are some of the principles behind the design:
It should show bare chest with an open shirt!!!!!!!
It should be sexy and give the wearer confidence.
Easy to get on and doesn’t constantly require rearrangement
Supports good posture.
In the meantime we offer a great option for less painful chest taping.
affirm How you see yourself in your mind’s eye .
Darb Garb is here to help you shape shift. Specializing in the clownish and the blobful.
At this point in our Research & Development there’re just a lot of ideas to try in the future. Darb Garb is eager to hear from all you shape shapeshifters out there. Want to collaborate on the design that will soothe your dismorphoria?
Some things we are interested in exploring:
How accentuating the quad-area shrinks hips.
Comfortable gaffing alternatives/gaffe options for dancers.
Padding for your creature or blob soul.
We have heard again and again from countless trans people about the need for an invisibility cloak.
The goal is impossible a garment makes you invisible to the straight-cis white world (unless you are white) while simultaneously announcing your glory to your people. This is a matter of safety as well as aesthetics.
While this offering is still in development, these are some of the principles behind the envisioned design:
Inspired by amoebas.
A functional lightweight fabric that can give you a purposeful shapelessness and fit over the most flamboyant getups
Big ass pockets.
Invisibility tactics: reflectivity, drab colors/camouflage (for various environments), Prints inspired by Razzel dazzel camo.